Kacang Manis Pedas ala-ala Thailand [No Oven] Cocok Untuk Ide Usaha
1 kg Kacang Kupas
15-20 siung bawang putih, tumbuk kasar
1 sdt garam
1 sdt bubuk kaldu
Minyak untuk menggoreng
6 sdm gula pasir
15-20 lembar daun jeruk , sobek kasar, goreng kering, sisihkan
7 Siung bawang putih
7 Siung bawang merah
2-4 batang sereh, ambil bagian putihnya, opsional
10-20 cabe merah
10-15 cabe rawit merah
1 sdt garam
½ sdt bubuk kaldu
Air 50 ml, jika dihaluskan pake ulekan, air dilewatkan saja
Sweet-And-Spicy Peanuts
[Thai-Style Peanuts]
1 kg of peeled peanuts
15-20 garlic cloves, roughly mashed
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of broth powder
The oil for frying
6 tablespoons of sugar
15-20 Kaffir lime leaves, roughly ripped, fried dry, set aside
7 garlic cloves
7 red onion cloves
2-4 sticks of lemongrass, take the white part, optional
10-20 red chilies
10-15 red cayenne peppers
1 tsp salt
½ tsp of broth powder
Water 50 ml, if refined using a pestle and mortar, we may skip the water