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Kadukkai இன்று முதல் தினமும் இரவு கடுக்காய் பொடி ஏன் Kadukkai Podi Daily Night Only Why Benefit

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Kadukkai Podi Benefits Nutritionists Diary---Amazing Benefits of Haritaki or Kadukkai Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Haritaki /Kadukkai Haritaki, commonly called as kadukkai in Tamil and harde whole in English is a medical wonder and has many health benefits and medicinal uses. It's botanical name is terminalia chebula. Haritaki has been regarded very highly from ancient times by healers and is rightly called the mother of herbs. Everyone should have Haritaki in their homes for the amount of dis eases that haritaki can treat very effectively. While buying haritaki make sure to buy matured ones and sun dry it till crisp and then store in an airtight box. Haritaki can be stored in an airtight box for almost 6 months to 1 year. More About Haritaki/ Kadukkai Botanical name : Terminalia chebula Retz. & Willd. (Combretaceae) Sanskrit Name: Haritaki, Abhaya, Pathya Vernacular Names: Chebulic myrobalan (English), Harda (Hindi), Analekai (Kannada), Kadukai (Malayalam), Kadukaai (Tamil), Kaduka (Telugu) Part used: Fruit Taste (Rasa):Astringent (Kashaya), sour (Amla), sweet (Madhura), pungent (Katu) and bitter (Tikta) Property (Guna):Light (Laghu), dry (Ruksha) Potency (Veerya):Sweet (Madhura) Post digestive effect (Vipaka):Sweet (Madhura) Actions (Karma):Alleviates vitiation of all 3 doshas (Tridosha hara) eases that haritaki can treat very effectively. While buying haritaki make sure to buy matured ones and sun dry it till crisp and then store in an airtight box. Haritaki can be stored in an airtight box for almost 6 months to 1 year. HARITAKI FOR WEIGHT LOSS---- eases that haritaki can treat very effectively. While buying haritaki make sure to buy matured ones and sun dry it till crisp and then store in an airtight box. Haritaki can be stored in an airtight box for almost 6 months to 1 year. HARITAKI FOR CONSTIPATION------Kadukkai powder is a natural laxative. Many suffer from constipation and take medicines for it continuously. HARITAKI FOR SKIN-----Haritaki effectively treats skin allergies in the ears, caused by earrings. Gold and silver earrings do not produce any allergies. HARITAKI FOR ACNE---- Haritaki has got antibacterial properties making it very effective for treating acne. A simple paste made with haritaki powder and boiled water, when applied on acne heals acne very quickly and prevents scars from forming. HARITAKI FOR ACIDITY-----Haritaki is known to cure all stomach related problems from acidity to constipation very effectively. Haritaki increases the mucus production in the stomach forming a protective barrier thus preventing acidity and ulcer. Take around 1/4 tsp of haritaki powder and mix it in hot water and drink it, till the problem disappears. HARITAKI FOR DIABETES----- A study was conducted regarding the effect of herbs on diabetic patients. They found that haritaki decreases insulin sensitivity and helps to regulate the blood sugar levels in the body effectively. The interesting thing was many of the diabetic medicines had some side effects along with regulating the blood sugar levels, whereas haritaki did not have any side effects at all. But diabetic patients should consult a medical professional before taking haritaki on a regular basis. HARITAKI FOR MOUTH ULCERS----Haritaki mouth rinse treats mouth ulcers very effectively. Having mouth ulcers can be very painful. Mouth ulcers makes eating very difficult and it affects both young and old Kadukkai Podi is called ‘Sarva Roga Nivarani’ (‘that which heals all diseases’) in Sanskrit. For centuries, Ayurvedic healers have called Haritaki the ‘king of medicines’. Weeding Out negative mental patterns –Made of the powdered nut of the kadukka tree native to India, this medicine works in a subtle way on the mind as well, wiping away all the engraved memories (samskaras) and negative mental patterns. 3. Awakening Non-Mechanical Parts of the Brain – Body-Mind Rejuvenation – If you have foul smell in the mouth , take Kadukkai powder for three days, foul smell will disappear thus, Kadukkai powder is the healer of all diseases. It increases longevity of life. Instructions -----Every day before going to bed take 1 tbsp of Haritaki powder. Take the raw powder into the mouth. You can even use your finger and brush it all over your mouth, like brushing. Please take it gently and allow it to fully mix with your saliva. Then, simply drink water, and gargle with the water. While Haritaki has its unique taste during intake, within few minutes, you will enjoy the nectarine sweet flavor. When to Take – Just before going to bed take Haritaki powder and can repeat intake in morning, or anytime during the day to regulate body heat, and clean up their stomach. ALL, RELATED, LATEST UPLOAD, LATEST RELEASE, RECENT UPDATE, RECENTLY UPLOADED, #kadukkai #health #benefit #tamil #tamilhealth #tamilhealthbenefit #health #healthy #tamilhomemade #honemade
