○鹿児島市市電 朝の宇宿電停から脇田電停(09:23)です。
二軒茶屋4号踏切(01:49) 二軒茶屋5号踏切(03:54) 脇田1号踏切(08:55)
○ Kagoshima city tram in the morning (Usuki Stop~Wakita Stop)
○The line is declining slope between Usuki Stop and Wakita Stop(09:23).
○There are three crossings between them.
Nikenjaya N0.4 Crossing (01:49) Nikenjaya No.5 Crossing(03:54) Wakita No.1 Crossing (08:55)
○Wakita Stop is the closest stop to Marine Port Kagoshima, which is visited by many overseas visitors by cruise ship and is an access point to downtown Kagoshima and Sakurajima Ferry Terminal.