“Kahaani” is a short film made as a part of our college workshop. It delves into the dynamics of friendship and fame. A short film that explores the complexities of loyalty, drive for success and the choices we make in the pursuit of the said success. Find out in “Kahaani” whether the power of friendship will triumph over ambition.
Creative Team:
Ajit Barot
Kunal Solanki
Nikita Pareek
Nishita Patel
Nitin Rajbhar
Rajat Shah
Shirina Saiyed
Shyam Mandaliya
Vishwa Mehta
Cast- Ajit Barot as “Admin Head”
Kunal Solanki as “Ved”
Nikita Pareek as “Tara”
Rudraksh Rawal as“Samay”
Workshop Mentor- Shailendra Goraiya Sir
Special Thanks to- Dr. Divya Soni (DirectorLJIMC)