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【甘香鸡】绝对让你口齿留香,吃了还想吃的一道佳肴!| Kam Heong Chicken

HappyMoi 487,488 2 years ago
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哈咯!婆婆来啦~ 学会了今天这道色香味俱全的甘香鸡,绝对会让你们的味蕾享福! 看似复杂,实则简单的步骤,就算经验不丰富的你也可以当大厨,煮出餐厅级别的它! 材料 Ingredients: 【腌制材料Marinate ingredients】 - 3个鸡腿 3 chicken thighs - 1汤匙的绍兴酒 1 tbsp of cooking wine - 1汤匙的酱油 1 tbsp of soy sauce - 1汤匙咖喱粉 1 tbsp of curry powder - 1-2汤匙的玉米粉 1-2 tbsp of cornstarch 【爆香材料】 - 半小碗的虾米(浸泡的水后要用) half small bowl of dried shrimp (soaked water can be used later) - 6颗红葱头 6 shallots - 3条小辣椒 3 chili - 1 根半的香茅头 1 and ½ lemongrass - 适量的咖喱叶some curry leaves - 6瓣蒜 6 cloves of garlic 【调味料】 - 1汤匙的蚝油 1 tbsp of oyster sauce - 1汤匙咖喱粉 1 tbsp of curry powder - 1汤匙的白糖 1 tbsp of sugar 如有商业合作或邀约可联系: 📧 [email protected]
