TEERTHKHETRA LIVE is an infotainment digital venture in Odisha having an aim to enlighten and entertain the people of the land by News, Views & Entertainment . Catering to the common interests of the people it will focus the major issues and events of the day that may be local, regional, national or international. The life stories of the common man as well as the success stories of the illustrated personalities – both are featured in an addition to different colours of life & literature, art & culture.
In fact, TEERTHKHETRA LIVE is just a unique combination of news and entertainment on one platform which caters the common interests of common people in uncommon manner that will draw attention of each and every citizen of India.
Kandagoda Manei sahu || ଭକ୍ତ ମନେଇ ସାହୁ || kandagoda manei sahoo Tantiru kanta Kasi jau || Teerthkhetra Live
#manei sahoo