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Planet in Nakshatra of Ketu -cuts bondage and makes native free and careless- These are the planets which gives the real meaning of life but sometimes native is so much involved in his world that a shock has to be given to give him a glimpse of how big and beautiful this world is and you cannot waste time in small matters. These are the people who have a bird's eye view of the situation as they can assess everything but Ketu dasa comes after Mercury or say any planet which dasa follows after Mercury to Ketu- It brings a drastic change in native and the world goes upside down as Mercury dasa creates Bandhan and this is the dasa to pay attention to details on a microscopic level as Mercury dasa is a micro view and to switch from Micro to Macro - It changes the prospective - A lot of belief system barriers has to be broken down and this is what troubles native.
#Nakshtatra #Karmicdasa #Lunarastro #Deepanshugiri