#howtomake #lasan_ni_chatni #garlicchutney #gujaratirecipe
This video shows how to make traditional Kathiyawadi Lasan Ni Chatni at home! This video is a one stop solution of all your problems in making Garlic Chutney! All tips, with fully detailed recipe of making Lasan Ni Chutney is provided so all can watch and learn easily!
જમવાનો સ્વાદ બમણો કરીદે તેવી લસણની ચટણી/ લસણની ચટણી/ Kathiyawadi Lasan Ni Chutney/ Lasan Ni chutney
Lasan Ni Chatni Will Remain Fresh For 8 to 10 Days..
Garlic - 25 cloves (60 grams)
Salt - 1/4 Spoon
Red Chilly Powder - 3 Tbsp
Dhaniya Jeera Powder - 1 Tbsp
Salt - 1/2 Tbsp
Water - 3/4 Cup (150 ml)
Oil - 1/4 Cup
Jeera - 1 Spoon
Hing - 2 Pinch
Powdered Sugar - 1/2 Spoon
Lemon Juice - 1 Spoon
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People making Gujarati Shaak, Dhokli nu shaak, parotha shak, muthiya, dhokla, handvo, thepla, bhajiya, pudla, dal bhat, gujarati vangi, bateta vada, etc would love to have Lasan Ni Chutney together!
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