Kauri, the mighty giant of the forest, holds ancient wisdom and a powerful message for us all: "Hearts to Heal."
The mighty Kauri tree is more than just a tree—it’s a guardian, a healer, and a reflection of our own spiritual journey.
In this video, I share a powerful message received from the Kauri tree, guiding us toward heart healing, grief release, and deep reconnection with nature.
As these majestic trees face decline, their message becomes clear—they reflect our own disconnection from nature and the healing our hearts need. As Kauri suffers from dieback disease, must ask ourselves:
What does this mirror in our own lives?
Have we become spiritually starved, disconnected from Papatūānuku (Earth Mother)?
Join me as we explore the ancient wisdom of the Kauri, the power of healing through the heart, and how we can restore both ourselves and the sacred forests. It’s time to heal. 💚🌿✨
#kauri #plantmedicine #higherconsciousness #HealingTheHeart #spiritualawakening #lightworker #lightcodes #foresttherapy
Join me on our Rongoā Mauri app to go deeper into the ngahere (forest) and explore this inner sanctuary. The app offers you instant support for your hauora (Healing & Wellness). You will find guided meditations created by Joanne, spiritual practices to support your wellbeing and teachings on the mauri of rākau (Plant Spirit Medicine). Joanne is there to spiritually guide you and help you find the answers to your questions.
We created the Rongoā Mauri app to effectively manage Joanne's growing waitlist of clients.
To join the app, visit our website and click on Become a Member: https://www.rongoamauri.com/why-join-twr-membership
Joanne offers healing and energy work online, allowing you to experience the benefits regardless of your location.
Nau Mai Haere Mai!
P.S I will often use te reo in my sessions so I have included a glossary of words that I use.
Mauri - Life-force
Karakia - Prayer
Ngahere - Forest
Tau - A calm state of being
Rākau - Plants or Trees
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