I go off a bit on this one. @kendricklamar
My other spam channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_llawMGrVdOSYw_yQmdlA
The best way to get my attention is to leave a comment (I read them all)
The best way to support me is smashing the like bucket, scubscribing and joiningk my Patreon: www.patreon.com/professorskye
The best way to reach me is my businexss email: [email protected]
I am on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/professor_skye
You can also buy my merch (for now): https://professor-skye.creator-spring.com/listing/professor-skye-mug
The best way to hear my music (from over 20 years ago) is on BandCamp: www.bandcamp.com/professorskye
My name on Reddit is "losermobile" for a weird reason
My Letterboxd address is @Professor_Skye