Kenko Nostaltone Orange/Blue Filter, Trying out Kenkos New Filter for Anime/Film Look
Recently had the opportunity to shoot with Kenko Tokinas Screw in Filter for Digital Photography that could bring that Film like look if you shoot with a Digital Camera. These are made by a Japanese company Kenko Tokina (will cover their history in this video) along with that explain you the two difference along with the images/capabilities
I personally liked the blue filter than the orange (since im use to seeing the warm tones in color negative) the blue one was something I was hooked on since its refreshing to see something different...
obviously this is for Digital shooters who would want that film like look without tinkering in photoshop and it might appeal for some...
#KenkoTokina #Kenko #Tokyo #Japan #Filmsimulation #Filter #Fujifilm #XT4 #18-55mm #Screwinfilter #君の名は #ケンコーフィルター