Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:13 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:03 : keringkan dan potong daging (drying and slicing the meat)
02:43 : membuat adonan bakso (making the meatball dough)
04:38 : membuat kuah bakso (making the broth)
06:21 : rebus sawi hijau (boiling the choy sum)
06:52 : bentuk bakso menjadi bulat dan masak (shaping and cooking the meatballs)
08:10 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepBaksoSapi #ResepBakso #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Bakso Sapi (30-35 pcs)
500 gr daging sapi chuck (leher), kalau banyak darah potong-potong dan bilas terlebih dahulu
100 gr tetelan / lemak sapi
2 sdm bawang merah goreng
½ sdm bawang putih goreng
80 gr tepung sagu
1.5 sdt garam
2 sdt gula pasir
½ sdt merica
1 sdt Royco Kaldu Sapi
130 gr es batu
1 butir putih telur
2 sdt baking powder
Bahan kuah bakso:
2,5 liter air
200 gr tetelan sapi
1 sdt Royco Kaldu Sapi
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir
¼ sdt merica
1 sdm bawang putih goreng
1 sdm bawang merah goreng
Sawi hijau
Daun bawang
Bawang goreng
1. Keringkan daging, buang silver skin lalu potong-potong
2. Masukkan ke dalam food processor beserta tetelan lalu masukkan garam, gula, merica, Royco Kaldu Sapi, baking powder, bawang merah goreng, dan bawang putih goreng. Haluskan hingga lengket 2-3 menit
3. Masukkan putih telur, haluskan kemudian masukkan es batu secara perlahan, haluskan hingga rata
4. Masukkan tepung sagu, haluskan kembali. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk. Simpan di dalam kulkas
5. Untuk kuah, didihkan air lalu masukkan tetelan
6. Blender bawang putih goreng dan bawang merah goreng kemudian masukkan ke dalam kuah
7. Masukkan Royco Kaldu Sapi, garam, gula pasir, dan merica
8. Potong-potong sawi hijau lalu rebus di panci terpisah, tiriskan
9. Bentuk bulat bakso dengan tangan ataupun dengan sendok kemudian masukkan ke dalam air panas hingga mengapung atau matang
10. Masukkan bakso ke dalam kuah beserta sawi hijau
11. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk beri taburan seledri, daun bawang, dan bawang goreng
12. Bakso sapi siap disajikan
Beef Meatballs Recipe (yield 30-35 pcs)
500 g beef chuck (neck)
100 g beef trimming / fat
2 tbsp fried shallot
½ tbsp fried garlic
80 g sago flour
1.5 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp Royco Beef Powder
130 g ice cube
1 pc egg white
2 tsp baking powder
Broth ingredients:
2.5 L water
200 g beef trimming
1 tsp Royco Beef Powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
¼ tsp pepper
1 tbsp fried garlic
1 tbsp fried shallot
Choy sum
Green onion
Fried shallot
1. Pat the beef dry. Remove the silver skin, then slice.
2. Add the beef and trimmings into the food processor, then add salt, sugar, pepper, Royco Beef Powder, baking powder, fried shallots, and fried garlic. Blend until sticky for 2-3 minutes.
3. Add the egg white. Blend, then add the ice cubes slowly and blend smoothly.
4. Add sago flour and blend again. Transfer to a bowl and place in the fridge.
5. For the broth, boil water and add the trimmings.
6. Blend the fried garlic and fried shallots, then add into the broth.
7. Add Royco Beef Powder, salt, sugar, and pepper.
8. Slice the choy sum, then boil in a separate bowl. Set aside.
9. Shape the meatballs with hands or spoons, then add into hot water and cook until they float.
10. Add the meatballs and choy sum into the broth.
11. Plate and add celery, green onions, and fried shallots toppings.
12. Beef Meatball is ready to serve.
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