Already in the early years of the new millennium, Prof. Evgeny Krupitsky and his team used Ketamine in the treatment of opioid addiction in pioneering clinical studies. In one of these projects, seventy detoxified opioid addicts received either a low, sub-psychedelic dose of Ketamine or a high, psychedelic dose of Ketamine, both supported by accompanying psychotherapy in a randomized trial. Prof. Kupitsky will talk about the implications and results for his groundbreaking work that will inspire other clinicians in the years to come.
Prof. Evgeny Krupitsky, MD, PhD, is a Vice Director for Research and a Chief of the Department of Addictions at V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Neurology in St.-Petersburg, and a Chief of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychopharmacology of Addictions at St. Petersburg State Pavlov Medical University, Russia.
Feel free to contact the OVID Clinic Berlin to schedule an initial consultation or to get more information about augmented psychotherapy with ketamine.
tel +49 30 293 673 33
fax +49 30 293 508 80
[email protected]
OVID Clinic Berlin, Boxhagener Straße 82, 10245 Berlin, Deutschland