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Key Points To Start Rough Surface Sharpening, What A Professional Sharpener Looks For | 和包丁の荒研ぎをする前に

IvanYuka-Japan 6,637 11 months ago
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Part 2 Part 3 Hi, Continuing on from the previous video, this video is about a question that was previously asked in the comments section of the video. (Thanks for all the great comments and requests!) When doing surface sharpening, what am I looking for when moving on to the next sharpening stone? After talking with my partner Yuka about how to explain this, we decided to make a series of videos on the process of completing the sharpening of one kitchen knife, Naoki Mazaki's Kurouchi Gyuto. The more you get into the fascination of Japanese kitchen knives, the more you will see the details. And what would I, Ivan, be looking at when sharpening kitchen knives myself? I hope this video will be helpful for your surface sharpening. In this video, I will explain before I start sharpening and sharpen with NSK Kogyo Oboro Knife 200. Since this is a series, we will post videos up to the point of finishing with a natural sharpening stone, so don't forget to subscribe us so you don't miss it! In the previous video, I talked about what I check for when edge sharpening and moving on to the next stone. If you haven't watched it yet, please go check it out! Previous Video👇 包丁研ぎ歴25年、現在は日本三代包丁産地である大阪府堺市で包丁会社に勤めているカナダ人です。 今回は研ぎ師の本業である、包丁研ぎを一からご説明いたします。 実は包丁研ぎを始める際、砥石で研ぐ前に確認すべきこと、やることがいくつかあります。また今回はNSK工業のダイヤモンド砥石の朧包丁200番を使った研ぎの後、どのような点をチェックしているのかも研ぎ師視点でお話ししています。 今回の研ぎでは、眞崎直樹氏の黒打牛刀を使わせていただきました。貴重な包丁を研がせていただく機会をいただいた、包丁コレクターの友人には感謝しております。 [ Previous Recommended Videos ] 🌟Who is Ivan? 🌟My Sharpening Work - Kurouchi Gyuto Sharpening from Blacksmith until Natural Stone Sharpening by Ivan 🌟My Sharpening Stone - NSK Kogyo Diamond Stone 🏠NSK Kogyo Diamond Sharpening Stone - Komon Hello, we, Ivan and Yuka have a unique experience of Japan through our business and life such as rich Japanese culture, exquisite crafts, breathtaking natural landscapes, beautiful foods and exciting travel, we share what we feel through our business and our lives. By sharing such our experiences, we hope that you will enjoy through our videos! 00:00 - OP 00:16 - Surface Sharpening & Polishing 01:19 - Mazaki's Kurochi Gyuto 01:35 - Overview About This Video 02:39 - Check The Blade Details 04:24 - Check Key Points on Blade in Order to Start Rough Sharpening 09:03 - Straighten and Shape the Blade 11:59 - Corrected! Ready to Start Sharpening Now 13:29 - Sharpening - Oboro Knife 200 Grit 18:19 - What I Look for at the End of Sharpening on 200 Grit 20:42 - Convex (Hamaguri) Shaping
