ជំរាបសួរបងប្អូនទាំងអស់គ្នា ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំមកចែករំលែកពីរបៀបធ្វើ ផ្អកត្រីរ៉ស់ ឆាប់បានញាុំ (P’ork Fish Recipe) រសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់មិនប្រៃខ្លាំង
បើបងប្ហូនទាំងអស់គ្នាចូលចិត្តវីដេអូរបស់ខ្ញំុ សូមជួយ LIKE SHARE & Follow page
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#cookingwithsophea #P’orkFishRecipe #របៀបធ្វើផ្អកត្រីរ៉ស់
Welcome to my channel guys! In this channel I will be showing you how to make delicious and easy family-friendly food! If you guys enjoy my video, please help LIKE SHARE & SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/3e63PB9
if you have any question please leave a comment below! If you guys have any confusion or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me!
🌻🌻 គ្រឿងផ្សំ ផ្អកត្រីរ៉ស់ 🌻🌻
ត្រីរ៉ស់ធ្វើស្អាត 1.5 kg
អំបិល 150g
អង្ករលីង 150g
បបរស 150g
ស្ករស 100g
រំដេង 50g - 100g
🌻🌻 Ingredient P’ork Fish Recipe 🌻🌻
1.5 kg peeled Snakehead Fish
150g Salt
150g Roasted rice powder
150g Porriged
100g Sugar
50g Galangal
~ Chili Oil - The best homemade - ម្ទេសឆា
Link: https://youtu.be/4XZF50qwDUU
~ how to grow bean sprouts - homemade - វិធីបណ្តុះសណ្តែក - Cooking with Sophea
Link: https://youtu.be/Z92M6_XyNfM
~ durian dessert - homemade (khmer dessert) បង្អែមបាយដំណើបធូរេន -
Link: https://youtu.be/nIQfkfjprvY
~ Easy recipe - tofu pudding with Ginger Syrup - homemade - តៅហ៊ូទឹកស្ករ -
Link: https://youtu.be/l7P6rBSSVB0
~ Pickled Papaya - homemade - វិធីធ្វើជ្រក់ល្ហុង - Cooking with Sophea
Link: https://youtu.be/PrKlOJmaadg
thank you for watching
please like share & subscribe
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