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ចំរៀងទាំងអស់អំពីបាត់ដំបង khmer karaoke Official

Daratban 49 1 month ago
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Welcome to Karaoke song! ចំរៀងទាំងអស់អំពីបាត់ដំបង ច្រៀងដោយ Darat Ban khmer karaoke To get beautiful Karaoke song for singing, entertaining or other fun gatherings. ភ្នែកអូនមានអ្វី Keo Phnek Mean Raksmey. KaraokePlease don’t complains I am not a professional singer. Sing Along To Cambodian Hits With Khmer Karaoke -សំនៀង​​ដើម សុីន សុីសាមុត & រស់ សេរី​សុទ្ធា. SinSisamouth & Ros Sereysothe. I like to enjoy singing for fun khmer karaoke songs and make YOUTUBE videos and I like to share to all friends, Families who are enjoy watching and listening to khmer oldies music. My channel you''ll find the most popular khmer oldies songs that I grew up listening to as kid. My favorite singer are Sin Sisamouth, Ros Sereyosthea, Pen Ron. There is singing and dancing. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe, comment ,like and share this video to all khmer around the world.Follow My Facebook: My Facebook #ណូយវ៉ាន់​ណេត​ #ស៊ិនស៊ីសាមុត #រស់សេរីសុទ្ធា #khmersongs #khmerkaraoke #khmerkaraokesongs #ប៉ែនរ៉ន #khmernewyearsong #khmermusic #ឯកស៊ីដេ #oldsong #Sinsisamouth #ខារ៉ាអូខេមានស្រីស្រាប់ #ឆ្លើយឆ្លង #ភ្លេងសុទ្ធ #សួសសងវាចា. Please do not forget to subscribe to my Channel. THANKS YOU FOR WATCHING!!
