Khorne, also called the Blood God and the Lord of Skulls, is the Chaos God of blood, war and murder. Its domain covers the most basic and brutal of sentient emotions and actions, such as hate, anger, rage, war and killing.
Every act of killing or murder in the material universe feeds and empowers Khorne; the more senseless and destructive, the better. However, though Khorne is the god of bloody slaughter, it is also the god of martial pride and honour, of those who set themselves against the most dangerous foes and earn victory against the odds.
A devotee of Khorne is as likely to be an honourable champion in combat as a blood-crazed slaughterer. Khornates take no artful approach to killing, seeking only to slay rather than to inflict pain, because while the blood and death of their victims strengthens Khorne, their suffering actually empowers its nemesis Slaanesh.