Welcome to Part One of my three-part video series on small-batch wool processing, specially designed to kickstart the Tour de Fleece! In this series, I'll guide you through the journey of turning raw fleece, from gulf coast native sheep, into beautiful, hand-spun yarn.
In this first video, we'll focus on scouring the wool. I'll show you how to scour the fleece, removing dirt and lanolin to prepare it for the next stages. This essential step ensures that your final yarn is soft and free of impurities.
I'm also excited to introduce you to Winnie, my first spinning wheel—a lovely Ashford Traditional. I'll share my experiences with Winnie and demonstrate how this wonderful wheel brings the wool to life.
Stay tuned for Part Two, where we'll delve into carding, and Part Three, where we'll cover spinning the wool into yarn. Whether you're a seasoned spinner or just starting your fiber journey, this series offers insights and tips to enhance your spinning adventure.
Here are links to the products used in this video:
Unicorn Power Scour
Baking Racks
Bus Bin Tubs
Nina Spin Dryer
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to follow along with the entire series!
Happy spinning!
#TourDeFleece #WoolProcessing #HandSpunYarn #ScouringWool #AshfordTraditional #SpinningWheel #FiberArts #SmallBatchWool #WoolScouring #SpinningJourney #WinnieTheWheel #theweftwright