20 years ago, Radiohead took one of the biggest left-turns in history by releasing stepping away from rock music and making an experimental electronica record that completely changed the way music would be released.
Special thanks to the Citizen Insane fan website which provided much of the interviews/magazine clippings used throughout the video: https://citizeninsane.eu/index.html
00:00 Intro
01:15 Strobe Lights and Broken Speakers
04:37 You're Living in a Fantasy World
11:27 Everything In It's Right Place
15:08 Kid A
18:10 The National Anthem
21:59 How to Disappear Completely
25:38 Treefingers
26:35 Optimistic
29:09 In Limbo
31:02 Idioteque
34:29 Morning Bell
35:24 Motion Picture Soundtrack
38:01 The Big Fish Eat the Little Ones