"You can never really lose, love can conquer all"
EYYYY I'm back at it again with a multilingual cover!!
Special thanks to my friend 核糖 and to 早稻叽 as well!
I heard this song through mixing Ariru's cover, and it got stuck in my head..so I bigbrained & speedran it for today!
What's today, you ask?
It's my first streaming anniversary as a vtuber on Twitch qvq !!
It's been an awesome ride this past year, thank you so much to everyone who have supported and continue to support me//
I'll try my best to keep making great covers & content!! So this is my gift for you!!
I love you guys! Kon kon!!!!
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★ Song : 热爱 105°C 的你 (You Who Love Heartily, 熱愛105℃の君へ, 언제나 105°C인 너) by 阿肆
★ Vocals • Mix • PV : Kiichan
★ Lyrics : 阿肆 • 雲夏的小盆栽 • Shaun Gibson • 오성민
★ Illust : temachii
★ Bilibili : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1L341127w2
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