Kim Namgil & Kim Ahjoong Moments Compilation from Live Up To Your Name press conference, Vlive and behind the scenes
It's a very highly recommended drama, the storyline is just amazing. The drama itself is not focusing on romance much but this pair really has a good chemistry on and off screen. I enjoy looking at them playing around while working together. Hoping both to have successful career ahead in the future.. ^^
Thanks for watching
Video credits:
◽️ tvN DRAMA
◽️ 趴在牆頭傻笑(miniky0)@weibo via 신나리
◽️ 보따리 bottari
◽️ TongTongTv 통통영상
◽️ 더스타 / The STAR
◽️ tvN Asia
Background music:
1. Royal Pirates - Fly to You
2. Everafter (feat Honey Lips) - Truelove