KinCony F24 ESP32 smart controller based on ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U (N16R8) wifi chip. It have 24 manual control switch buttons can turn ON/OFF relay even if system is broken. 24 channel removable OMRON high-quality relay, 4 channel 1-wire GPIOs, 2 free GPIOs, 4 channel analog input ports. One SD card using SPI bus. KinCony F24 include DS3231 high precision RTC clock chip. LCD display will show wifi and ethernet IP address and Tuya connection state. F24 have RS485 port and RF433MHz RF receiver. You can write any code by Arduino IDE / MicroPython / ESP-IDF development tool to ESP32 module. We will supply Arduino / ESP-IDF demo code for different samples. Everyone can modify and change the code for your own smart home automation system project. it support use by ESPHome for home assistant or tasmota firmware(tasmota total support MAX 32channel INPUT+OUTPUT ports) for smart home automation DIY. F24 use KCS v3 firmware, it support home assistant auto discovery function by MQTT, so without write any config code (zero code) for home assistant. F24 support Apple HomeKit, easy to use directly. Support save state LOG to SD Card. It use by local RTC clock, use timer work without internet. F24 support to use KinCony cloud server service, so that you can remote control and monitor your device by internet using mobile phone or computer web browser. note: (buy from KinCony Official Shop have KinCony cloud server 2 years free). newest KCS v3 firmware will support Loxone Miniserver.
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