Kiran Rao is returning to direction after a haitius of 12 years with Laapataa Ladies, and ensures it to be a fun ride! In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host, she sheds light on choosing newcomers over established actors and telling women-centric stories. Kiran unabashedly admits using Aamir Khan's superstar clout to promote the film, how he has an actor, couldn't make the cut for her film and one project she would like to direct her ex-husband in. The filmmaker also shares about her dynamics with Aamir's first wife Reena Dutta and daughter Ira Khan, and how they are redefining modern Indian family. Kiran also speaks straight on box office numbers, mainstream masala-actioners not being the benchmark of success and representation of 'female directors' in the film industry.
Watch the full interview!
#kiranrao #laapataaladies
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