ALL KIRBY POWER-UPS Kirby Dream Buffet Nintendo Switch Gameplay full game playthrough all minigames/ full movie Kirby all characters in the new Kirby Dream Buffet on Nintendo Switch game game!!
All rewards unlocked + all Kirby power-ups/ all Kirby costumes and all Kirby outfits with super cool all Kirby abilities in Kirby battles, all game modes and all minigames including Kirby race (marble run Kirby race funny Kirby), all Kirby animations, Grand Prix Kirby, Battle Royale Kirby mode, Free Rolling Mode, Single Race, all bonus minigames, all minigame bonus stages, and all Kirby minigames/ Kirby's Dream Buffet gameplay 1 hour version full playthrough by ZXMany!!
For reaching the highest level, you need 100,000 strawberries. I can get maybe maybe 100-150 strawberries in a really good event that takes about 1 minute, so that's maybe 9000 strawberries per hour MAX, but events might take longer than that and I sometimes get them at a lower rate, so it would most likely take over 10 hours to get 100,000+ strawberries to unlock all Kirby costumes/ rewards. I modded the game to have 100,000 strawberries to unlock all of the Kirby outfits and all Kirby costumes (ZXMany mod), so that's how I was able to get all of the rewards in a video so quickly! More information in the video 👍 Thank you so much for watching!!!
What's your favourite Kirby costume? :D
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#Kirby #KirbysDreamBuffet #Nintendo
Intro - 0:00
Kirby's Dream Buffet Opening Cutscene - 0:12
Kirby's Dream Buffet Home Table - 0:50
Grand Prix - 1:57
Single Race Mode (Cake Rolls) - 8:23
Minigames! - 10:35
All Kirby Animations - 25:36
Battle Royale Mode - 26:12
Free Rolling Mode - 38:59
All Kirby Power-ups + Free Rolling Mode - 39:10
All Kirby Outfits + All Kirby Colors - 49:56
All Kirby Rewards (Max Level) - 55:05
Bonus Race Stages (Unlocked Minigames) - 56:47
Bonus Minigame Stages (Unlocked Minigames) - 1:04:14
Bonus Battle Royal Stages (Unlocked Minigames) - 1:05:06
Thank you for watching - 1:13:22