In Dublin Bay stands a unique piece of Irish maritime architectural history, at a prominant junction of the Irish Sea.The KISH lighthouse was built of reinforced concrete, formed with
a circular caisson. Inside this caisson, a tower, which when floated to the site, telescoped to its full height. Construction work commenced at Dún Laoghaire in July 1963. Towed from Dún Laoghaire Harbour to the Kish Bank, then positioned and completed on 27th July 1965.
The KISH lighthouse is the only one of its kind in Irish waters.
For years now it has stood alone, automated and unmanned.
Seen by many visited by few. What sights and sounds wash against its structures?
What spirits haunt its curved walls? What is it really like out there? Lighthouses continue to guard the coastline, albeit in a time of automation.
From their beginnings of simple bonfires on headlands, they have symbolised, Haven, Safety, Refuge, Danger, Menace and Hazard. Have they now become monoliths of fear, intrigue and mystery?