I got distracted from making ruins by a kitbash project that was itching my brain- I made this Baneblade (or rather its variant, the Stormlord) out of a toy that I bought at TJ Maxx. Here's a little overview of the build and a few tips and tricks that I used to get it all put together.
This tank will be part of the backbone of my (Nurgle worshipping, chaos aligned) traitor Astra Militarum army that I have begun to build. I plan on making nearly the entire army as either scratch builds, kitbashes, or at the very least conversions of existing models.
I promise, the ruins are getting embellished in the next video! I can stop myself from finishing the second baneblade bash long enough to work on some terrain!
Welcome to my channel where I am logging my efforts to increase my hobby skills as I reenter the world of tabletop wargaming. Having some old skills but little in the way of terrain and tools, I will be building up a collection over time and trying to show you how to make budget-friendly sci-fi terrain that looks good for your games of Warhammer 40k, Necromunda, Kill Team, Star Wars Legion, or whatever it is that you happen to play.