Who is this tremendous scholar? 👇
He is Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab ibn Muhammad Al-Aqeel رحمه الله
The Shaykh رحمه الله studied under many major scholars firmly grounded in knowledge such as:
- Shaykh Hammad Al-Ansari
- Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbad Al-Badr
- Shaykh Ali Nasir Faqihi
May Allah reward them abundantly and have mercy on those who have passed away.
He held a PhD in Aqeedah from the Islamic University of Madinah, where his thesis focused on The Manhaj of Imam Ash-Shafi’i in Affirming Aqeedah (1413 AH).
- Vice Dean of Scientific Research at the Islamic University
- Head of the Department of Aqeedah at the College of Dawah & Usool ad Deen, Islamic University
- Vice Dean of the College of Dawah & Usool ad Deen at the Islamic University
Some of his works and research include:
- The Beliefs of Muslim and Non-Muslim Sects Regarding the Close Angels
- Editing “Al-Isha’ah fima Tahsun Al-Ihata Bihi min Ashrat As-Sa’ah” by Al-Sakhawi
- Trials and the Stance of a Muslim Towards Them
- Aqeedah Issues Related to Slaughtered Animals
- Research: The Role of Educational Curricula in Saudi Arabia in Combating Intellectual Invasion
- Research: The Narrations Attributed to the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs on Creed
- Research: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Innocence from Terrorism
He passed away on January 12, 2024. May Allah have mercy on him and forgive him and make his impact upon the ummah and efforts everlasting. 🫀
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