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(N.B - My apologies for the audio the wind was up that day, I am saving up to buy better camera and audio equipment, I’d recommend the captions being on for this one I have also ensured the transcript is available for download)
A very devious mind-trap that grows gradually in it’s obscuring power. The mind will attempt to continually attach to the split-second moment in time that the mind has come to understand as ‘The Present Moment’ - Conceptualising the teaching and attempting to bind awakening into the confines of it’s limited capacity to understand that which is ultimately not-understandable.
A necessary stage to spiritual realisation is the removal of the concepts of future and past, but often overlooked is that the ‘present moment’ is also just an idea. Perhaps a better phrasing would be ‘eternal moment’ or ‘infinite now’ or perhaps just ‘Now’. This understanding prevents the mind from committing to it’s usual method of trapping all knowledge within itself, and becoming frustrated at the lack of satisfaction upon thinking it has ‘Understood’ it - Instead feel and experience the teaching only as awareness, and recognise the mind never needed to understand anything in order to be free. Upon this true realisation the mind is finally satisfied, and can fall away into peaceful rest.
In many meditations (Mind included) the guide often references focusing attention into the present moment only. While this remains a powerful and practical pointing, it contains within it a subtle implication that the future and past do in fact exist it is just that we choose to ignore them for the duration of the meditation.
If you have found yourself frustrated or feeling as though it’s been a while since you experienced your initial surge of peace upon finding a spiritual teaching, see if this particular subtle blockage is the cause of this momentary veiling of your lasting and completed awakening.
Upon a true and experienced Spiritual Awakening the seeker learns there was never a present moment either. Reality is reality and is always Now. There never was any need for the concept of time at all, we invented it. And ultimately it is revealed just how absurd this concept truly is.
Truly abide within the implications of this discovery, don’t let it stay as a nice idea only, really do it and be free.
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