It’s been 12 years since the TV series "K.O.3an Guo". What are the classic characters in your memory now? Don’t forget to like and subscribe to this channel after watching. Thank you!
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👇Chapters章節 :
0:00 片頭
0:14 呼延覺羅.脩/劉備 - 陳德修
0:22 曹操 - 陳乃榮
0:30 孫權 - 修杰楷
0:38 周瑜 - 黃少谷
0:46 呂蒙 - 邵崇柏
0:54 諸葛亮 - 柯有倫
1:02 王允 - 卜學亮
1:10 董卓/夏蘭荇德.流 - 陳博正
1:18 李儒 - 林智賢
1:26 魅娘 - 葉蕙芝
1:34 關羽 - 胡宇崴
1:42 張飛 - 博焱(林曜晟)
1:50 趙雲 - 班傑
1:58 馬超 - 邵翔
2:06 黃忠 - 羅宏正
2:14 貂蟬 - 任容萱
2:22 喬倩(小喬) - 蔡頤榛
2:30 呂布 - 謝坤達
2:38 蔣幹 - 張皓明
2:46 喬瑋(大喬) - 蔡函岑
2:54 文醜 - 錢君銜
3:02 葉赫那拉.思偍/思仁 - 那維勳
3:10 葉赫那拉.宇香(孫尚香) - 曾沛慈
3:18 葉赫那拉.宇策(孫策)/汪大東 - 汪東城
3:26 葉赫那拉.雄封 - 劉爾金
3:34 袁紹 - 黃志瑋
3:42 黃月英 - 吳映潔
3:50 華雄 - 余秉諺
3:58 名醫 - 黃韻玲
4:06 華陀 - 曾子余
4:14 甘昭烈 - 林舒語
4:22 黃梅天 - 楊麗音
4:30 左慈 - 巴戈
4:38 田豐 - 吳震亞
4:46 趙忠 - 薛子騛
4:54 王亞瑟 - 辰亦儒
5:02 丁小雨 - 炎亞綸
5:10 張寶 - 小鍾
5:18 老師 - 巴鈺
5:26 王允妻 - 相馬茜
5:34 PUB店長 - 乾德門
5:42 老師 - 何妤玟
5:50 呂伯奢 - 夏靖庭
5:58 曲棍球裁判 - 簡漢宗
6:06 荀彧 - 金勤
6:14 牛輔 - 馬利歐
6:22 典韋 - 黃泰安
6:30 搶匪 - 陸建宇
6:38 小喬的朋友 - 文雨非
6:46 劉辯 - 相博濤
6:54 鄒靖 - 胡桓瑋
7:02 程普 - 高明偉
7:10 獸醫 - 馮媛甄
7:18 片尾
【Video introduction】
K.O.3an Guo (traditional Chinese: 終極三國; simplified Chinese: 终极三国; pinyin: Zhōng Jí Sān Guó) is a Taiwanese television series starring George Hu, Xiu, Kirsten Ren, and three out of four members of Fahrenheit as special guests, who starred in the prequels. The title is pronounced as K.O.-san-guo. It is the third installment of the Zhong Ji series; preceded by KO One and The X-Family. This series is a spoof of the 14th century Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong.
The series started filming on 24 December 2008 and wrapped on 21 January 2010. It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Formosa Television (FTV) from 27 February 2009 to 26 February 2010 on Fridays at 22:00 and on cable TV Gala Television (GTV) Variety Show/CH 28 from 28 February 2009 to 27 February 2010 on Saturdays at 23:00.
After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
Wu Hu Jiang (五虎將)
Translated as "the Five Tiger Generals". A small group of East Han Academy's strongest warrior students that serve as their protectors and warriors.
Guan Yu (關羽) – Number One
Zhang Fei (張飛) – Number Two
Zhao Yun (趙雲) – Number Three
Ma Chao (馬超) – Number Four
Huang Zhong (黃忠) – Number Five
#陳德修 #陳乃榮 #修杰楷 #黃少谷 #邵崇柏 #柯有倫 #卜學亮 #陳博正 #林智賢 #葉蕙芝 #胡宇崴 #博焱 #班傑 #邵翔 #宏正 #任容萱 #五熊 #坤達 #金寶三 #寒 #錢君銜 #那維勳 #曾沛慈 #汪東城 #劉爾金 #黃志瑋 #鬼鬼 #余秉諺 #黃韻玲 #曾子余 #黎兒 #楊麗音 #巴戈 #吳震亞 #薛志正 #辰亦儒 #炎亞綸 #小鍾 #巴鈺 #相馬茜 #乾德門 #何妤玟 #夏靖庭 #金勤 #簡漢宗 #馬利歐 #黃泰安 #陸建宇 #文雨非 #相博濤 #胡桓瑋 #高明偉 #馮媛甄