as promised here's my Korea Q&A. Here I answered as many questions around traveling to Korea in 2022. Topics include how Covid is here, accommodation, transportation, language barrier and more! I couldn't get to everything so maybe I'll make a 2nd Q&A once my trip is over but I hope this helps anyone looking to travel to Korea or are just curious on how things are here.
t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s
0:00 - intro
1:31 - covid & quarantine
7:06 - transportation & accommodations
11:30 - language barrier
15:05 - solo travel
17:32 - working internationally
20:20 - budget and personal
»b u s i n e s s i n q u i r e s
[email protected]
s o c i a l s
e q u i p m e n t
»Mini Selfie Stick/Tripod:
»2nd Tripod:
m u s i c
»Music by Reggie San Miguel - Houndstooth -
»Music by Reggie San Miguel - Resolutions -
»Lamp (Prod. by Lukrembo), Link :
»Song : danmoo - sweet memories, Video link :
»Song : danmoo - find me, Video link :
#qanda #korea #solotravel
s u b c o u n t
🖊 keywords: south korea, travel to korea, seoul, solo trip, travel to korea, korea quarantine, traveling in a pandemic, travel during covid, korea food, korea travel tips 2022, korea travel 2022, i made it to korea, korea vaccine registration, korea train, korea subway, qanda, q&a, korea q and a, korea things to know, travel to korea, korea faq, travel help