#भारत #कोरिया #koreanreaction #channelraid #indian #korea #rozana #ShreyaGhoshal Hello, everyone.🥰 Today, we watched Shreya Ghoshal-rozana live video. She has a heavenly voice. 😇 Rather than filming a video, I was surprised and busy listening to her song. If there's a video that you want to recommend, please leave it in the comments.❤️❤️❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, everyone 👋 We are 'RAID' It's a Korean men's and women's idol team. It's a channel that communicates with India. Please contact me by e-mail. 📩 : [email protected] ▶ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channelraid88 ▶Facebook https://www.facebook.com/channelraid88 ▶Instagram https://www.instagram.com/channel.raid/ ▶Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@channelraid88 ▶E-mail 📩 [email protected]