Korone, Subaru, and Watame's Journey in The End Proved Korone Was a Mad Dog [Part 1...?]
This is just around the first hour mark of their journey in the end... they didn't even reach an end city...
6th Fes Otsukare~
Original Stream:【#生スバル】おさんぽスバルしゅばああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ / MINE CRAFT【ホロライブ/大空スバル】
【 Minecraft 】オーダーメイドのためにネザライト掘らなきゃ!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】
Featured hololive's Talents:
Inugami Korone - @InugamiKorone
Oozora Subaru - @OozoraSubaru
Tsunomaki Watame - @TsunomakiWatame
#inugamikorone #oozorasubaru #tsunomakiwatame #hololive #minecraft #hololivejapan #holojp #hololiveclip #hololivejp #virtualyoutuber #vtuber #jpvtuber #vtuberclips #minecraftclips #hololivenewworld #hololiveminecraft #hololiveengsub #vtuberengsub #マイクラ #大空スバル #角巻わため #戌神ころね