Discover the essence of Mandarin Chinese-Malay communication through this immersive lesson, featuring 500 essential words spanning 31 topics for everyday use! Learn from native speakers and embark on a journey that caters to both Malay learners seeking to grasp the fundamentals of Mandarin Chinese and Mandarin Chinese learners eager to explore Malay.
Enhance your language skills and speak like a local. These must-know words will elevate your speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities, preparing you for various real-life situations. Whether you're traveling, working, studying, or engaging in business, this comprehensive lesson provides you with practical vocabularies for effective communication in both Mandarin Chinese and Malay.
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#马来语词汇 #马来语入门 #日常生活马来语 #马来语基本词汇 #学习马来语 #马来语课程 #基础马来语 #说马来语 #华人马来语
#馬來語詞彙 #馬來語入門 #日常生活馬來語 #馬來語基本詞彙 #學習馬來語 #馬來語課程 #基本馬來語 #說馬來語 #華人馬來語
Kosa kata Melayu, Melayu untuk pemula, Melayu untuk kehidupan seharian, Kosa kata penting dalam bahasa Melayu, Belajar bahasa Melayu, Kursus Melayu, Asas bahasa Melayu, Berbicara dalam bahasa Melayu, Melayu Cina.
#KosakataMelayu #MelayuUntukPemula #MelayuUntukKehidupanSeharian #KosakataPentingDalamBahasaMelayu #BelajarBahasaMelayu #KursusMelayu #AsasBahasaMelayu #BerbicaraDalamBahasaMelayu #MelayuCina
Bilingual, Mandarin-Malay, Mandarin-Malay Vocabulary, Mandarin-Malay Lessons, Chinese-Malay for Beginners.
#Bilingual #MandarinMalay #MandarinMalayVocabulary #MandarinMalayLessons #ChineseMalayForBeginners