Hello!! We are SIG and we are back with Yes or Yes of TWICE🍭
We hope you like the cover💕
As always, we want to thank our camera, @bydonii for his work.
Keep track of our media, new things are coming out soon!!
• Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sig_covers?_t=ZN-8tQdZ9aEgdC&_r=1
• Ig: https://www.instagram.com/sig_covers?igsh=MWRvdXV5bmR2aHhrcA==
Nayeon - Paula: / https://www.instagram.com/kiino._?igsh=eW4xeGVsZm0xYzE1
Jeongyeon - Nathan: / https://www.instagram.com/kitty_kirax?igsh=cDQzYTVyMjFkNzVt
Momo - Eira: / https://www.instagram.com/eiracarmmona?igsh=cGJxYTltbW81ODlo&utm_source=qr
Sana - Nora: / https://www.instagram.com/norareinaa_?igsh=OTNreGdrcGNyd2Fh
Jihyo - Jhoselyn: / https://www.instagram.com/jhoosy__?igsh=MWU3cnk5N243M3Q2&utm_source=qr
Mina - Maria: / https://www.instagram.com/meeriii_25?igsh=MWJleGs1dHFhMHBvbg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Dahyun - Judit: / https://www.instagram.com/juudrieraa?igsh=bDE1NXl6ampvamMw&utm_source=qr
Chaeyoung - Raquel: / https://www.instagram.com/raquel._0_0?igsh=Mm5naG1sczFrb3Z3&utm_source=qr
Tzuyu - Abril: / https://www.instagram.com/abrilms_2002?igsh=N2h1aDFjbWxjbjlr&utm_source=qr
This video is only used for entertainment purposes, we do not own any of the music nor choreography.