our LAST FESTIVAL is our LAST COVER of the year 🎆🎆! join us in celebrating 2024 by watching our cover to TWS' 'Last Festival'! thank you everyone for such a wonderful year, and we can't wait for what 2025 has in store for us ✨
Annie Joo | @anniee.joo
Jihoon - Bao | @bao_lenciaga
Dohoon - Annie Joo | @anniee.joo
Youngjae - Michelle Liu | @michellelliu
Jihoon - Bao | @bao_lenciaga
Hanjin - Phillip Nguyen | @drunkboba
Kyungmin - Calvin Luong | @bald.calvin
Shinyu - Zizhao Hu | @zz2z2z2z
🔹Filmed By:
Irving | @irvingvisuals
🔹Assisted By:
Michael, PP
🔹Edited By:
Kris Espinosa | @xcviii.kr, @krislyst
🔹Graphics By:
Kris Espinosa | @xcviii.kr, @krislyst
[email protected]
We're just here to have fun! PLAYGROUND is a space where friends come together to have fun and share their love for dance. We have an emphasis for PLAYGROUND to be stress-free and a place for happiness where creativity can be sparked. Let's all have fun at PLAYGROUND! 🌟