Hello everyone!
Sorry we didn’t post videos for such a long time😔 We were working hard but the weather here didn’t really let us film videos in public.
But now we have many things prepared for you! So stay tuned😏
And we’re starting with the latest Seventeen’s comeback - MAESTRO! We hope that you liked this song as much as we did😌
S.Coups - https://www.instagram.com/nloxufo?igsh=MTNtdXFpMnp4NWE0bw==
Jeonghan - https://www.instagram.com/mm.kiseleva?igsh=dmMxazFvYWFsMHNp
Joshua - https://www.instagram.com/_____jakaaaa_____?igsh=MTlvYW5pNDZ4NmR0MQ==
Jun - https://www.instagram.com/deloaski?igsh=MTVmZGk5dDM3N2d2OA==
Hoshi - https://www.instagram.com/kkjimisy_rs?igsh=MWIzYjhiYWt0NDI0bQ==
Wonwoo - https://www.instagram.com/rs_notte?igsh=YndndmpseWJuenVp
Woozi - https://www.instagram.com/iza_kuro?igsh=MW9tMnVqc3pmMjRmcw==
DK - https://www.instagram.com/weiinotway?igsh=MTZoZGR2bWZlZjBhZw==
Mingyu - https://www.instagram.com/milkyway_rs?igsh=eDdxaHZ0OWI4bXBh
The8 - https://www.instagram.com/jstgvmearsn_?igsh=MjlpemdvNDA1bjFz
Seungkwan - https://www.instagram.com/daranon?igsh=MXU3Y2lxYmF5YnZ5Nw==
Vernon - https://www.instagram.com/kkgluss?igsh=b2ZpOThhZHpxcGtr
Dino - https://www.instagram.com/kuzya.7eleven?igsh=MXVia2RoeGFkZGkxag==
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Video and edit by Ri (@sk311y)