Hello, we are the team Calipso and this is our new dance cover. This is the fastest dance cover we ever do. In love with XG dance and music. We hope you like our new dance cover.
So please support us, share this video, give some likes and comments and subscribe our channel and our page in instagram.
Stay tunned for next updates!
#xg #wokeup #엑스지 #DANCECOVER #xgdancecover #wokeupdancecover #kpopinpublic #coverdance #kpopinpublicrussia
Jurin: Anna ( inst: @weraken )
Chisa: Kseni ( inst: @moitoiravi )
Hinata: Teya (https://www.telegram.o...)
Harvey: Mars ( inst: @mars_910208 )
Juria: Katya ( inst: @parkatya_ )
Maya: Daniela ( inst: @daniela_wot_dance )
Cocona: Alice ( inst: @ucsalw )
Film&Edit: / shura_152
/ calipso.cdt. .