Baby you ain’t know what is In my pocket! 👖
Here is the sidecam to our latest cover of ‘Baggy Jeans’ by NCT U! We really enjoyed dancing to this vibey song and we are happy to have received a positive reaction too! As you can see there were a lot of people so we hope you can see us 😅 Enjoy the video~
Filmed by Sophia:
Edited by Husna:
Alex as Ten:
Sally as Taeyong:
Adam as Jaehyun:
Husna as Doyoung:
Kristina as Mark:
We are EUNOIA!
A Kpop dance crew from Copenhagen, Denmark consisting of members: Adam, Alex, Cat Ly, Husna, Kristina, Laura, Sally, Leja, Alice, Tony & Zoe.
Our name" Eunoia" derives from Greek and means "a pure and beautiful mind". It expresses our good will to you, our audience. We want to leave a great impression and we will try our best to share our love and happiness with you.
Thank you for supporting Eunoia! 💜
저희는 유노이아 입니다!
덴마크 코펜하겐의 케이팝 댄스크루인데요, 함께 하는 멤버는 아담, 알렉스, 캣 리, 후스나, 크리스티나, 라우라, 셀리, 레아, 앨리스, 토니, 그리고 조이 입니다.
저희 Eunoia는 그리스어, εὔνοια (순수하고 아름다운 생각)에서 유래되었습니다. 저희를 지켜봐주시고 또 앞으로 저희를 지켜봐주실 분에게 감사한 마음을 전합니다. 항상 여러분들의 기억 속에 남을 수 있도록, 그리고 저희의 사랑과 행복을 나누기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
유노이아를 응원해주셔서 감사합니다! 💜