Hi everyone! Some songs never get too old and "tail" is one of them, that is why our member Patri decided to do this amazing solo. As always, we put all of our energy into giving you guys the best dance covers we could, so we would love it if you could leave us some supportive comments below, especially for our incredible member who did such a good job as Sunmi. See you soon !!
Wonder Patri→ https://www.instagram.com/patriraven?igsh=MWJmaGtwaGNxdnp0
Wonder Robin → https://www.instagram.com/robinredlion?igsh=aXJpeGlsN2wyanN0
Wonder Bada → https://www.instagram.com/marccongosto_?igsh=bWYzZjE2MHA1dW4z
Wonder Lucia → https://www.instagram.com/lcrxman?igsh=NWl1d3FubjlnYm85
Wonder Camilo → https://www.instagram.com/camilosone?igsh=bmhjd3VuemJ2Mnhj
Sonia → https://www.instagram.com/sonia_esch?igsh=dnJoaGRvZndoaXU=
Max → https://www.instagram.com/maxbm___?igsh=MXRscDNzbXFjc3Riag==
Gemma → https://www.instagram.com/gemmacm31?igsh=MW9rMjZwY3pzb2Rmdg==
Allison → https://www.instagram.com/ai.sxn?igsh=cHNqbmc4NDlodzIx
Lis → https://www.instagram.com/patri_1206?igsh=cGlkenhjZHl4OG9j
Paula → https://www.instagram.com/paula_reid_?igsh=NjlkYXprZmo2cDY5
Py → https://www.instagram.com/applepy_dance?igsh=Z2N5b3FrczA4MHI0
Moflad → https://www.instagram.com/moflad?igsh=ajNhdWhweTNhMnZu
💻 Editing: Wonder Lucia and Patri →
📷 Camera: Moon →
🖼 Image design: Wonder Lucía → / lcrxman
#선미 #댄스커버 #댄스팀 #한국 #스페인 #케이팝 #Sunmi #Tail #dancecover #danceteam #danceinpublic #kpopinpublic #korea #spain #kpop
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