Hi, this is Wizberry cover team. For the second year in a row, Ukraine is suffering from Russian aggression, which began on February 24, 2022. Our cities, villages, peaceful people, children suffer every day from attacks by drones and carriages, they hit apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools, hospitals, and maternity homes. At least a few civilians die in Ukraine every day. Please do not believe Russian propaganda and do not spread misinformation.
You can also support us by donating to verified fees. Here are some of them:
📍"Come Back Alive" Foundation, many charity projects are collected here - https://savelife.in.ua/sniping-donation/
📍A special account for the collection of funds for the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, opened by the National Bank - https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi
📍 "People's project" unites volunteers and caring people who implement charitable projects in the field of defense, medicine and public initiatives - https://www.peoplesproject.com/#all-categories
JIMIN - https://www.instagram.com/alolkaaa?igsh=cThwbjhybW84NzYw
JIN - https://www.instagram.com/uarriana?igsh=MXU1eXBsNWszaTNveQ==
TAHYEONG - https://www.instagram.com/hekkwei?igsh=cnc0dnN6cmRsM2tw
J -https://www.instagram.com/yuuuuliaana?igsh=MW52bDIzeThxbzc0eQ==
SUGA - https://www.instagram.com/anastasia.savka?igsh=aGk3dHo0ZzVyNzdv
RM - https://www.instagram.com/kastelah.kim?igsh=ZmZoamhjYjZ0aDJ
J-HOPE - https://www.instagram.com/peachgeex?igsh=MXR5Y3U4eWw2eDQzMg==
CAMERA- https://www.instagram.com/sandrutamill?igsh=M2t3bW9pZGk1cmVp
WIZBERRY social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wizberry_team?igsh=eWRha3QxZmVyYzhw
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wizberry_team?_t=8lxAdSTlPKn&_r=1
Co-op: [email protected]