क्रांति की चिंगारी | Kranti ki Chingari | Moral Story | Cartoon | Hindi Kahani
Team: - @BrightSpaceHindi
story writer : - Kasim Ansari
यह कहानी गरीब किसानो पर अंग्रेजो के द्वारा किये जुल्म की है , जिसमे किसानो का शोषण किया जाता है | इसमें एक व्यापारी की हत्या अंग्रेज अफसर द्वारा करवाई जाती है गाँव के एक व्यक्ति से जिसपर किसी को विश्वास नही होता है |
This story is about the atrocities committed by the British on poor farmers, in which the farmers are exploited. In this, a businessman is murdered by a British officer through a person from the village whom no one trusts.
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kranti ki chingari
क्रांति की चिंगारी
bedtime stories
cartoon story
Hindi short stories
Hindi Kahani
moral story
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Credit - “Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com“
Disclaimer :-
All the characters, incidents, names and situations used in this story are fictitious.
The resemblance to any person living or deceased is purely Co-incidental.
The following video contains some horror elements, and suitable for mature audience (15+) .
This video is not meant for kids.
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