Here's the other parts of the story from my main channel
für deutsche YTer
Check my other KK channels
Because I couldn't upload the more-than-15-min video of part 4 of the BBC story to my main channel biggestKKfan, I've created a new channel to upload it here. The story is from 2008, but as you can see I have put in also pics and scenes from after 2008 ... part four is the last part, and my audio didn't have a fade out by Steve Earle, so I faded out with Kris' song. Enjoy!
Thanks to everybody whose shots I've used for the story, everything is either from the internet or from my own stuff. I've made the video with lots of love and respect for Kris and the people involved in the radio story by Steve Earle, and if anybody doesn't like me having used their nice stuff for making the video as good as I can, please just tell me and I can remove it. Thank you.
(I do NOT make any money out of any video in my channels)