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Krispi Nagih! Resep TELUR BARENDO Khas Padang

Devina Hermawan 251,471 4 days ago
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Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah. **English description is at the bottom section.** 00:00 : intro 01:23 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 01:46 : membuat larutan maizena (making cornstarch slurry) 02:01 : kocok telur (whisking the eggs) 02:38 : iris bawang merah (slicing shallots) 03:37 : goreng telur (frying the eggs) 05:45 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve) #ResepTelurBarendo #ResepTelurPadang #ResepDevinaHermawan =================== [INDONESIAN] Resep Telur Barendo (untuk 3 porsi) Bahan: 3 butir telur ayam 3 siung bawang merah ¼ sdt kaldu ayam bubuk 3 sdt air 3 sdt maizena Pelengkap: nasi putih timun bumbu rendang (opsional) Cara membuat: 1. Campurkan maizena dan air, aduk rata 2. Di dalam mangkuk, masukkan telur, kaldu ayam bubuk dan larutan maizena, kocok lepas kemudian iris bawang merah dan masukkan ke dalam telur, kocok kembali 3. Panaskan minyak, tuang telur secara perlahan sambil diaduk, masak hingga kecokelatan dan kering, tiriskan 4. Masukkan ke dalam air fryer untuk mengurangi minyak berlebih selama 5 menit pada suhu 180 derajat celcius 5. Telur barendo siap disajikan =================== [ENGLISH] Telur Barendo Recipe (yield 3 servings) Ingredients: 3 pc chicken egg 3 pc shallot ¼ tsp chicken powder 3 tsp water 3 tsp cornstarch Add-on: White rice Cucumber Rendang spices (optional) Steps: 1. Mix cornstarch and water. Stir well. 2. In a bowl, add eggs, chicken powder, and cornstarch slurry. Whisk lightly, then slice shallots and add them to the eggs. Whisk again. 3. Heat oil, slowly pour in the eggs while stirring. Fry until browned and crispy, then remove and set aside. 4. Place in an air fryer to reduce excess oil for 5 minutes at 180°C. 5. Telur Barendo is ready to serve. =================== Official Site: Instagram: Business inquiries: [email protected] Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2025 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.
