Krushnaguru Gita || jukebox || kustaguru bhajan || Bina Padhan || Chhuekhanch
Chhuekhanch (Jharsuguda) Odisha
Singer _ Bina Padhan
Badya _ Manoj Bagar
Manager _ Sauki Bagar
Editing _ Pabitra Bhayanr
Contact Number _8763653956
Alternate contact_6372661778
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KRUSHNAGURU is a channel which includes various types of odia bhajan songs, Krushnaguru video like; Krushnaguru Bhajan, Ramayan charitra krushna guru, Gopalila Krushnaguru etc. This channel is specially made for the entertainment purpose. Now a days we have many problems related to work, family, and many more so hence to reduce the stress we should get something to that can make us stress free and can relief our stress.