Greetings adventures, in today's video I'll be showing you just how many kilometers you can get on the KTM 390 Adventure after the low-fuel-light comes on. I will also demonstrate how accurate the Fuel Range indicator is. While I'm riding out the fuel I'll be giving you tips on how to preserve fuel when the low-fuel-light comes on, and show you some footage from my trip to go see the snow monkeys in Nagano. Hope you enjoy, and get some good information out of this! ***And for whatever it’s worth, my bike has the fuelx lite, a 14t sprocket, and a lid filter.***
冒険者の皆さん、こんにちは!今日のビデオでは、燃料切れランプが点灯した後、KTM 390 Adventureで何キロ走れるかをお見せします。また、燃料残量インジケーターがどれだけ正確かもお見せします。燃料を使い切っている間に、燃料切れランプが点灯したときの燃料温存のコツを伝えたり、長野にスノーモンキーを見に行ったときの映像をお見せしたりします。楽しんでもらえれば幸いだ!***参考までに、僕のバイクにはfuelx lite、14tスプロケット、リッドフィルターが付いている。***
#KTM #Motorcycle #lowfuel
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 intro
2:00 the experiment
3:38 tip #1 - spare fuel
4:19 tip #2 - plan your route
5:10 tip #3 - proper inflation
5:40 tip #4 - appropriate roads
6:28 tip #5 - controlled riding
7:34 tip #6 - don't engine brake
7:56 tip #7 - early shifting/low rpms
8:27 tip #8 - avoid idling
9:21 tip #9 - aerodynamic riding technique
12:30 tip #10 - situational awareness
24:44 fuel range accuracy
26:58 OUT OF FUEL!
27:40 total KMs explained
28:26 spare fuel
30:12 gas station
32:13 outro