Hello, I am Joanne
今天我們來做一鍋金橘醬,它既是一種美味的果醬,可以用來搭配吐司、烤餅或作為甜點的配料,而且還有很多藥用價值,當果茶喝,還能緩解喉嚨不適。 這款金桔醬既酸甜又清新,您一定會喜歡。
Today, we will make a batch of kumquat marmalade. It is not only a delicious jam that can be paired with toast, pancakes, or desserts, but also has medicinal value and can be used as a tea to soothe the throat. This kumquat marmalade is sweet, tangy, and refreshing. You'll love it!
【金橘醬】 Kumquat Marmalade
配料 Ingredients:
1. 1000克金橘 1000g kumquats
2. 400克黃冰糖 400g yellow rock sugar
3. 2個檸檬,榨汁,150毫升(可根據自己喜歡的酸度調節) 2 lemons, juiced, 150ml (adjust to taste)
步驟 Steps:
1. 燙煮瓶子 Sterilizing the Jars:
• 把準備裝果醬的瓶子用開水煮5-10分鐘,這一步是為了消毒
Boil the jars for 5-10 minutes to sterilize them.
• 也可以使用洗碗機消毒,但不能與其他餐具一起
Alternatively, use a dishwasher to sterilize, but do not mix with other utensils.
• 自然晾乾
Let them air dry.
2. 準備成分 Preparing the Ingredients:
• 將金橘洗淨,自己種的只需要水沖乾淨,如果是買的,需要用小蘇打和鹽水浸泡半小時左右,去除農殘
Wash kumquats thoroughly. If homegrown, rinse with water. If store-bought, soak in baking soda and salt water for about 30 minutes to remove pesticide residue.
• 開水煮沸,放入金橘煮約10分鐘,去除澀味
Boil water, add kumquats, and cook for about 10 minutes to remove bitterness.
• 用刀切半,在濾網中去掉籽,用手擠壓,籽會留在濾網中,汁流下可繼續用
Cut kumquats in half, remove seeds using a strainer, squeeze out juice through the strainer.
• 去籽後的金橘用料理機稍微打碎,保留少許顆粒,或用刀切小丁,喜歡大顆粒,也可以不加工
Lightly blend the deseeded kumquats in a food processor, keeping some texture, or chop finely with a knife. Leave chunky if preferred.
3. 製作果醬 Making the Marmalade:
• 準備一個大鍋,加入金橘丁、黃冰糖、檸檬汁以及去籽時流下的果汁,攪拌均勻,煮沸,然後轉小火慢煮,並不時攪拌,以防黏鍋
In a large pot, combine chopped kumquats, yellow rock sugar, lemon juice, and reserved juice. Mix well, bring to a boil, then simmer, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
• 剛開始果醬會出很多水並且表面出現很多泡沫,繼續小火煮,隨著泡沫減少,果醬會慢慢變得濃稠,大約需要30-40分鐘
The marmalade will release a lot of water and foam initially. Continue simmering until the foam reduces and the marmalade thickens, about 30-40 minutes.
• 當金橘醬變得濃稠,開始粘在勺子上,並呈現光澤時,關火
When the kumquat marmalade becomes thick, sticks to the spoon, and looks glossy, turn off the heat.
4. 裝瓶及保存 Bottling and Storage:
• 將金橘醬趁熱倒入已消毒的玻璃罐中,蓋緊蓋子,倒置,直到冷卻,以確保密封。放涼後再反過來
Pour the hot kumquat marmalade into sterilized jars, seal tightly, and invert until cool to ensure sealing. Turn upright once cooled.
• 如果消毒得當,金橘醬可以在冰箱中保存數月,但打開後就需要儘快食用。推薦小瓶保存,這樣隨用隨取,不用擔心全部壞掉
Properly sterilized, the kumquat marmalade can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. After opening, consume promptly. Small jars are recommended for easy use and to prevent spoilage.
小貼士 Tips:
1. 因為金橘酸甜度不同,請根據個人口味和金橘醬的酸度來調整糖量和檸檬量。
Adjust the sugar and lemon amounts based on personal preference and the tartness of the kumquats.
2. 為防止酸腐蝕,請在煮金橘的時候選用不沾鍋、陶瓷、不鏽鋼等鍋,盡量不採用鑄鐵鍋。
To prevent acid corrosion, use non-stick, ceramic, or stainless steel pots when cooking kumquats. Avoid cast iron pots.
3. 柑橘類果醬因檸檬苦素的作用,都含有微苦口感,檸檬苦素具有抗炎的作用,請盡情享用,不要用太多的糖來遮蓋它,酸甜苦的平衡,才是金橘醬原本的滋味。
Citrus marmalades have a slight bitterness due to limonin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Enjoy it without adding too much sugar to mask it. The balance of sweet, sour, and bitter is the original taste of kumquat marmalade.
4. 檸檬汁在這裡的作用,不止是為了酸甜平衡,還為果醬增加了特別的香氣、明亮的色澤,以及釋放果醬中更多的果膠,起到天然增稠的作用。 Lemon juice not only balances the sweet and sour but also adds a special aroma, bright color, and releases more pectin from the marmalade for natural thickening.
5. 黃冰糖除了它本身的藥用價值外,在果醬裡的作用不僅是平衡酸甜度,還跟檸檬一樣是促進水果果膠順利釋出,而且,它還是天然防腐劑。 Yellow rock sugar, besides its medicinal value, balances sweetness and sourness, promotes pectin release like lemon, and acts as a natural preservative.