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భుజం కొలత మీదనే డ్రస్ ఫిట్టింగ్ ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది /kurti Cutting size chart/ women dress size chart

VedhaTailors 40,264 lượt xem 9 months ago
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hi friends
size chart for dress cutting | ready made dress cutting size xs, small, medium, large, extra large etc.,
measurement chart | neck shoulder measurement chart |
dress measurement chart with waist loose | perfect armhole cutting | perfect shoulder neck cutting tips | perfect dress front neck deep and back neck deep measurement | this video is all about... how to perfectly cut armhole.. armhole measurement formula | armhole cutting | formula standard armhole measurement | dress armhole measurement chart | armhole drafting | how to make armhole pattern | how to draft armhol | shoulder cutting mesurment | soulder cutting draft | neck cutting method | neck cutting formula |
how to make arm down | how to make neck width | shoulder width measurements chart |

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