Ash gourd is known by many names, the most commonly heard names are winter melon, white gourd, wax gourd, and fuzzy melon.
In konkani we call it kuvalo, kualo or kuvale. This Kuvaleachi doce is often prepared in goa during winters and especially for Christmas as a sweet.
This bland vegetable when enhanced with coconut, sugar, and other ingredients is delicious, irresistible, and disappears in no time.
An immature Ash gourd is covered in fine fuzzy hair which disappears upon maturing. They are either oblong or round. A fully matured ash gourd develops a white ash coating from which it derives its name "Ash Gourd".
Notes :
1. The entire Ash gourd shown in the video was used.
2. The amount of sugar used was just perfect for the right amount of sweetness.
3. Semolina/ Rawa is added at the end to absord any remaining moisture in the doce.
4. The cooking process took me almost 2 hours.
5. In total I got 85 doce pieces.
Ash Gourd - 8 cups grated
Grated Coconut - 4 cups
Granulated Sugar - 2.5 cups
Salt - 3/4 tsp or to taste
Cardamom powder - 1 1/2 tsp
Semolina / Rawa - 11/2 cup
Ghee - 2 tsp + extra for greasing of surface
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Angels We Have Heard by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.