#kyungheeball #경희볼5
Celebrating The 5Th Anniversary Kyunghee Ball Vol.5 Korea KIKI Ballroom Scene
2024년 6월 15일 토요일 / June 15, 2024
위치(Place) : 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 푸른솔문화관 3무용실 / Dance Room 3 of Kyoug Hee University Pureunsol Cultural Center, 26, Kyung Hee-daero, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul
🛒Judge : Haejun 007, MY love, Mother Ariel Juun.J, Prince HAZÉ Promachos, E sol Versace
🛒DJ : Shoota Love
🛒Commentator : Jaxon Love, Prince Potch Veneta
Berry Love and Kyunghee Members(Puri 007, Levana 007,Yeojin 007, Soohyun 007, ChyoX2 007)
🛒Poster : ChyoX2 007
🛒Flim : Puri 007, Yeojin 007
🛒Video Edit : Berry Love
🛒Hands Performance & Arms Control GP : Zinu Kitsch