Srimathe Raamanujaya Namaha
Srimad Vara Vara Munayae Namaha
Sri Baladhanvi Gurave Namaha
By the grace of our Acharyas, on the auspicious occasion of Manavala Maamunigal Thirunakshathiram 2024 (Aipasi Moolam), we are republishing the Arthi Prabhandham, which is revered as the last work of Swami Maamunigal.
This was offered at the Lotus feet of HH Yadhugiri Yathiraja Jeeyar Swami last year.
The presentation will be in a musical format, focusing on the *Arthi Prabhandham* while interspersing and correlating it with *Yathiraja Vimsathi*.
We seek the blessings of Maamunigal for all of us and ask for forgiveness for any mistakes made in this endeavor.
Supraja Sreeram
#ArthiPrabhandham #ManavalaMaamunigal #YadhugiriYathirajaJeeyar #SpiritualBlessings #DevotionalMusic #Ramanuja #AcharyaAnugraham #TamilTradition #HinduPhilosophy #Sankalpa
#ஆர்த்திபிரபந்தம் #மணவாளமாமுனிகல் #யாதுகிரியதிராஜஜீயர் #ஆசீர்வாதங்கள் #பூஜைஇசை #ராமானுஜா #ஆச்சாரியஅனுகிரகம் #தமிழ்சீரியல் #இந்துத்தத்துவம் #சங்கல்பம்